My fingers are crossed that this doesn't come out as another blog entry with a dark tone, but I'm not optimistic. Therein lies the issue....
- Mystery Author-
My fingers are crossed that this doesn't come out as another blog entry with a dark tone, but I'm not optimistic. Therein lies the issue....
While I have been writing virtually my entire life, I am still very new to the actual publishing part. I learn as I go and (hopefully) I...
When I decided to publish "Dead Man's Breath", I knew full well that it would come with its fair share of criticism. Being in wrestling...
Without question or exaggeration, I've lead a very charmed life. The old saying, "Jack of all trades. Master of none" , comes to mind....
From the early feedback, it seems that Clay Sullivan is a character that has endeared himself to the readers. I have been asked numerous...
For better or worse, I have always done things my own way and in my own time. I enrolled into a college for the first time at the tender...
While I would love nothing more than to write full time, the financial reality would never allow it at this time, so I must continue on...
After several abandoned attempts and a full year of work, I am officially a published author. No matter what criticism is lobbed at me,...
When it comes to inspiration for writing, I draw from a multitude of sources, depending on the type of story I am writing. As most of my...
You may have noticed that "Dead Man's Breath" is available for pre-order for Kindle via Amazon. There is a link on the Books page, as...
I figured that would be a fitting topic for my first blog post. To fully answer that question is not possible and certainly not possible...